Wishing you a peaceful, healthy and happy new year 2013!
We enjoyed todays wonderful winter wonderland!
Blue sky, sun, peace and sleigh rides with loads of laughter and snow all over...
Enjoy the spirit of this season!
First snow has arrived
It has snowed yesterday, early this year... last weekend we were sitting at the table in T-Shirts and enjoy the warm October sun.
Our "scary" pumpkin... designed by the little ones.
Next year we have chosen a design which is really spooky...
Enjoy the season with warm tea, storys to read and playing
games with the whole family.
Click - Clack
Foto ©KatyTricot
Time to knit a new hat for the tall girl.
Remember the beret I knitted two years ago? Even if it is still worn by the girl very often, it is not covering the ears anymore.
Not the best thing when the mornings are crisp if you ask me.
Looking for a new pattern I found this at Etsy.
Katy Tricot has some beautiful patterns, don't you think?
So I will go and buy some wool today, the girl shall choose the colour and I will start knitting.
Fingers crossed the result will be as beautiful as Katys.
So the sound of the needles will carry me through the evenings.
Whatever you're up to, have fun!
I was looking at...
Even if it sometimes seems as if one of those faces is looking back from the mirror - it is not a recent photo of me.
Here's a small selection of things I enjoyed looking at in this year... more to come.
xx Nina
We were collecting Chestnuts the other day. Chestnuts in a new surrounding.
We adjust to new faces, new sounds, new situations as September became a month of change for us.
Schoolgirl came to a totally unknown school, kindergarden boy entered a new kindergarden, without sister and familiar faces, Mommy also gets to known to new people - even had to get a new haircut, you know the saying, a change in life makes a women want to change her hairstyle as well? It's true. Will I stick to the haircut? Nope. Daddy needs no time to adjust, he feels home wherever the four of us are together, what a gift.
So after a month of changes, October will be a month of welcoming the New... it will be a good one, don't you think?
Take care and remember to be open for changes.
It's time for welcoming a new season as it seems: the mornings are crisp, the spiderwebs are in the bushes, the apples are about to be picked from the tree, the rose hips are in a fantastic red and the last rose is showing its beauty in our garden.
Yesterday a friend and I made the "Schultuete", a large cornet of cardboard filled with sweets and little presents given to children in Germany on their first day at school. Time flies, I mean hasn't she just had her first day of Kindergarden? Sigh...
Enjoy the days and the stories they bring along...
wise words
many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. to handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. anger is only one letter short of danger. if someone betrays you once it is his fault; if he betrays you twice, it is your fault. great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. he who loses money, loses much; he who loses a friend, loses much more; he who loses faith, loses all. beautiful young peolpe are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art. learn from the mistakes of others. you can't live long enough to make them all yourself. friends, you and me... you brought another friend... and then there were three... we started our group... our circle of friends... and like that circle... there is no beginning or end... . yesterday is history. tomorrow is mystery. today is a gift, that's why they call it the present. (unknown)
this thext is from a card i bought in the usa some years ago and i like it very much...
Osternest - Easter Nest

For the past couple of years, some days before easter, our neighbour a nice old lady, keeps asking the children if they have already prepared their easter nest.
I was always wondering what this is.
Now I know, as I found one in our friends garden and easter bunny leaves some chocolate eggs every now and then.
Of course the kids and I went to the woods today, picked up some good branches and chose suitable moss.
Washing day

While a doll fairy is busy upstairs the kids are washing the clothes for their little friends...
Enjoy the day!
Winter in the mountains
It's all about rockets and stars
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